Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Latest Anti-Aging Treatments

!±8± The Latest Anti-Aging Treatments

The anti-aging treatment market is an enormous one, and there is always a great deal of research going on, in hopes of finding new and better ways to abolish wrinkles. Below are some of the newest and best anti-aging treatments.

Some of the typical signs of aging include nasal labial folds, feather wrinkles and thinner lips. Fortunately, there is something new that can help to treat these. Hylaform is a new FDA-approved fiber that plumps the skin. It can be injected to add fullness back to areas that have wrinkled and folded with age.

Another promising new procedure is fat transfer. Fat is taken from a part of your body where you don't want it, and injected into areas of the face where it's needed. It's used to bolster sagging areas and highlight bone structure. It has been shown to be particularly effective for sagging skin, which is great news for those who thought that surgical lifting was the only way to remedy this. As it turns out, fat transfer actually causes the injected area to lift.

If you do find you need a face-lift, there is a new procedure for this as well. It's called a thread lift, and it's a non-invasive procedure whereby tiny threads are inserted under the skin and attached to facial tissue. During the procedure, the strings are stretched, pulling the skin. It's a great alternative for those who aren't sure they want to go as far as a face lift. If you have a little looseness in the neck, or have some jowling, you could be an ideal candidate for this procedure. Another advantage is that the threads stay under the skin, and can easily be tightened up later as the skin ages further natural makeup.

If you wish to take the non-surgical route, anti-aging creams are constantly evolving, due to ongoing research. While most doctors agree that creams won't bring quite the same results as more invasive procedures, they can still provide plenty of benefits. The most effective creams boost the skin's collagen production. This works through a topical application by combining peptides with a fatty acid. Some popular examples are Olay Regenerist and Strivectin-SD.

These types of creams go beyond just collagen production however. They are also packed with vitamins and herbs that have anti-aging properties. Some creams were originally developed to combat stretch marks and it was found that the same collagen-producing properties that helped eliminate stretch marks could help create younger-looking skin as well.

Yet another type of cream, "Wrinkle Relax" appears to mimic the effects of a Botox and collagen injection simultaneously. Botox works by destroying a protein that causes a neurotransmitter to release, diffusing tension that would otherwise cause a wrinkle to form. A compound known as argireline, found in wrinkle relax, mimics this action. It doesn't actually destroy the protein, but keeps it from connecting to the cell and creating the muscle contraction.

Even though doctors can't agree on how effective these creams are, there are several studies under way that will hopefully provide a measure of their effectiveness, so you will have more information to help you decide which ones might be best for you.

The Latest Anti-Aging Treatments

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

How Toxic is Your Bathroom?

!±8± How Toxic is Your Bathroom?

Be warned! Your daily beauty regime could be taking years off of your life. Most (99%) personal care products have not been safety tested. Your health may even be damaged due to the daily mixing of many different types of toxins in and on the body. On average, each of us uses 9 personal care products a day, containing a total of 126 different ingredients. When these chemicals are absorbed into the body, they can be stored in fatty tissue or organs (ie the liver, kidney, reproductive organs and brain). Medical research has proven that fragrances can trigger asthma; the detergents in shampoos can damage eye tissue; and that hair-dye chemicals can cause bladder cancer and lymphoma. If these problems had been linked to pharmaceutical drugs, the products would have been taken off of the market. However, since the cosmetics industry is largely self-governing, products containing potentially harmful substances remain in use and on sale. If you think that it can't be that bad, then you need to consider what goes into some of the most popular toiletries.

Olay Regenerist claims to instantly improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. But what they don't tell you is that in order to work, the product needs to be well absorbed, so it uses penetration enhancers which actually drive toxins deeper into your skin. This in turn leads to hormone disruptions, carcinogenic effects and skin irritation.

Clairol Herbal Essences Shampoo For Dry/Damaged Hair claims to provide you with a totally organic experience. But what they don't tell you is that it also contains 4 potentially cancer-causing dyes, as well as synthetic fragrances that are known neurotoxins and skin irritants. This product can also permanently damage eye tissue, cause breast cancer, and chemicals that also cause the damaging chemicals to penetrate more deeply into skin and bloodstream.

Johnson's Baby Soft Wash claims to be best for you and your baby. But what it doesn't tell you is that it also contains skin and eye irritants and hormone disrupters. Since children's skin is thinner and more absorbent than adults', it provides a less effective barrier to these chemical toxins. Furthermore, you only get the mere impression of smoothness since there's nothing in this product that actually smooths your skin.

Calvin Klein's Eternity, as well as numerous other perfumes, contain the same neurotoxic solvents that are found in glues and adhesives, as well as the same volatile chemicals that are common in garages and factories. Perfumes also contain known neurotoxins, allergens, irritants and/or hormone disrupters.

Colgate Total claims to provide you with 12-hour fresh breath and antibacterial protection. But what it doesn't tell you is that it also contains irritating detergents which can cause sore gums and mouth ulcers. It also contains abrasives which can erode tooth enamel. There are also carcinogens, and chemicals that can produce chloroform gas, which is easily absorbed into the skin or inhaled and can cause depression, liver problems and cancer.

Gillette Mach 3 Shaving Gel contains skin irritants, 3 potential carcinogens and 3 central nervous system toxins or pollutants.

Clairol Nice 'N Easy claims to provide natural-looking color with complete grey coverage. But what they don't tell you is that it can cause allergic reactions and has carcinogenic effects. In fact, intensive longer-term use is associated with breast, ovarian and bladder cancer, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, multiple meyeloma and rheumatoid arthritis.

Clearasil 3-in-1 Deep Cleaning Wash has been clinically proven to help fight acne. But what they don't tell you is that the product is capable of removing the skin's natural oils. It also contains 2 potential carcinogens and that it can also consistently lead to skin problems.

Listerine Teeth And Gum Defense claims to kill the germs that cause plaque and bad breath. But what it doesn't tell you is that it is 21.6% alcohol and thatq alcohol dries and changes the pH of the mouth and throat and long-term use of alcohol-containing mouthwashes increases the risk of mouth and throat cancers. Listerine also contains ingredients that are poisonous if swollen, are known carcinogenics, and can alter the basic flora of the mouth and may cause dermatitis.

How Toxic is Your Bathroom?

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber Portable - Chargeable

!±8±Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber Portable - Chargeable

Brand : NEW SPA skin scrubbers
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Post Date : Nov 24, 2011 12:21:28
Usually ships in 3-4 business days

Ultrasonic skin scrubber is a powerful tool for deep exfoliation and other beauty tasks, which used widely in cosmetology practice. Ultrasound exfoliation - the ability of ultrasound waves to "push out" all debris from skin pores. Ultrasonic skin scrubber's blade also removes the top layer of dead cells, leaving skin fresh and smooth. Exfoliation with ultrasonic skin scrubber is very comfortable procedure and does not take more that 5-7 min. This ultrasonic skin scrubber uses two wave forms of ultrasound. The frequency of the ultrasound is 1MHZ that means that the skin scrubber's blade oscillates with 1000 times per second.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Acne Scar Treatment Using Dermatological Procedures

!±8± Acne Scar Treatment Using Dermatological Procedures

If you have suffered from acne, you probably have some scarring, or at the very least, some marks and discoloration. Getting rid of current and future acne is only half of the acne problem. You are now left with the remnants of your past acne. You likely have one or more of the following: post inflammatory pigmentation (discoloration of the skin), macules (soft, flat scars that often have a bluish or violet color), keloids (bump like raised scars), ice pick scars (narrow, sharp scars, the skin looks as if it were stabbed with an icepick), depressed fibrotic scars (scars that look like big ice pic scars), boxcar scars (round pits that look like chicken pox scars-usually found on the temple and cheeks), and rolling scars (scars that give the skin a wave-like appearance).

There are several types of dermatogical scar removal:



Soft tissue augmentation (fillers)



Laser skin resurfacing

Chemical Peels

Steroid Injections


Dermabrasion is the mechanical removal of the top layers of the skin to improve its texture. A mechanical tool removes or "sands" the skin. The result is that a new, smoother layer of skin forms. After the treatment, skin will be red and swollen. Several days after treatment, the swelling, redness and pain begin to subside and the outer most skin layer falls off. It will take time for the skin to heal (approximately 10 days to 3 weeks) after a dermabrasion treatment. Dermabrasion is not recommended for dark skinned people. Asian or dark-skinned people may experience permanent discoloration.


Microdermabrasion is not as effective as dermabrasion because this skin resurfacing procedure only removes the outer top skin layers. Microdermabrasion is similar to dermabrasion in that it uses a mechanical tool to "sand" the skin. Microdermabrasion uses aluminium or magnesium oxide crystals over the skin. However, microdermabrasion is not as aggressive as dermabrasion because only a very thin layer of skin is removed. If you have deep acne scars, such as ice pick scars, this procedure would not make a significant improvement. If your acne scars are not deep, you may be pleased with the results. Another benefit of microdermabrasion over dermabrasion is that redness normally subsides within only one hour after treatment. Microdermabrasion is also good for getting rid of acne marks and discoloration. Like dermabrasion, dark skin types should avoid microdermabrasion because it may result in discoloration.

You can now perform microdermabrasion on yourself at home. There are several microdermabrasion kits that you can get at your local drugstore or stores like Target or Walmart. A few of the microdermabrasion kits are Oil of Olay's Regenerist Dermabrasion home facial with lactic acid, L'Oreal Derma-Expertise ReFinish Micro-Dermabrasion Kit, and RoC Renewex MicroDermabrasion Expert System.

Soft tissue augmentation (fillers)

Fillers injected into the skin to help "plump up" acne scars. Collagen, Restylane, and Hylaform are the most popular fillers. Autologous fat transfers can also be used to fill the scar tissue. The fat transfer method involves transfering fat from your own body. Fillers and fat transfers are injected beneath the surface of the skin to elevate the depressed scar. The procedures are not permanent and must be repeated. Fillers tend to last up to 9 months depending on which you use. The autologous fat usually lasts up to 6 months. Rolling scars can often be improved by filler substances.


Excision is literally cutting out the acne scar. The tissue is removed and filled with either three methods.

(a "punch is a round, sharp "cookie-cutter" tool )

1.Punch excision- the scar is cut out and the surrounding skin pulled together. Deep acne scars such as ice pick and deep boxcar scars are frequently treated with the punch excision method.

2.Punch replacement - the scar is cut out and a small piece of skin from behind the ear is removed and transplanted to where the scar was located. This is another frequently used method for deep scars like ice pick scars or boxcar scars.

3.Punch elevation-the base of the scar is cut, but the walls of the scar are left intact. The scar base is then elevated to the surface of the skin and attached with sutures or skin glue. This method is frequently used on deep boxcar scars that have sharp edges.


Subcision is a method in which a surgical instrument, such as a scapel or needle, is used to raise the scar tissue away from unscarred skin . The method is used to break up the fibrous bands that cause rolling scars. Subcision is often applied in combination with dermabrasion or laser therapy. Rolling scars are frequently treated by subcision.

Laser skin resurfacing

There are 2 major categories of laser used in acne scar therapy. They are the ablative lasers and the non-ablative lasers. Ablative laser resurfacing removes the outer layers of the skin. Scar tissue is burned away and the dermal collagen is stimulated. This results in the dermal collagen tightening and reducing the amount of scar visibility. There is usually skin redness for several months following an ablative laser treatment.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing or "Photorejuvenation" does not injure the outer layers of the skin, so unlike albative laser treatments, the skin does not remain red for months following the procedure. Smoothbeam is the newest FDA approved laser for non-ablative laser resurfacing. The laser heats the sebaceous gland which stimulates collagen. Like the albative laser treatment, the result is that the dermal collagen tightens and the amount of scar visibility is reduced.

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels involves the top layer of skin being literally peeled away with the use of a chemical application. The result is the underlying skin is allowed to regenerate. Chemical peels are divided into three types: superficial, medium-depth, and deep.

Superficial or "light" peels are the mildest of the chemical peels. These peels include glycolic, lactic, and fruit acid peels (AHA) or Salicylic Acid (BHA). This peel is good for superficial acne scars that aren't deep. Superficial peeling usually involves redness and scaling that ends within three to seven days.

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is the main peeling agent used for medium peels. Although, medium-depth and deep chemical peels are more aggressive, they also produces injury within the dermis and result in significant swelling over a period of 7 to 14 days.

Deep peels are produced using carbolic acid (phenol). Although deep peels are longer lasting, it may take several months for skin to recover from a deep peel.

Steroid Injections

A series of steroid injections can be repeated at 4 to 6 week intervals to soften and flatten a keloid acne scar. The steroid is injected into the scar itself. A minimal amount is absorbed into the blood stream.

If you are still suffering from acne and would like to have clear skin within 3 days, there is a method that you can use.

Acne Scar Treatment Using Dermatological Procedures

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

Face Lift Skin Care Products

!±8± Face Lift Skin Care Products

Just because you may be getting older and your skin may be developing fine lines and wrinkles, this does not mean that you need to have plastic surgery. There are some fantastic face lift skin care products that you can purchase, which will obviously not be as dramatic as surgery but which will definitely offer you results.

If you would like to look younger and more radiant, one of the top face lift skin care products that you will want to check out is the Regenerist Daily Regenerating Serum by Oil of Olay. Oil of Olay Regenerist Daily Regenerating Serum

Of all the different face lift skin care products on the market today, one that has proven to be effective is the Oil of Olay Regenerist Daily Regenerating Serum. Not only is this face lift  product fantastic for the skin but it is also affordable.

It works to regenerate the skin's appearance without drastic measures such as chemical peels, cosmetic surgery or lasers. It uses a concentrated form of an exclusive amino-peptide complex and combines it with Olay moisture to offer the maximum regeneration and hydration within the Regenerist line.

This top of the line formula will leave your skin looking youthful and rejuvenated, but is also affordable enough that you can purchase it without breaking the bank, the same which cannot be said about most other similar skin care products.

Keep in mind that this is only one face lift skin care product out of the many that are available, and that the best idea is going to be for you to take a bit of time to learn about what is out there, what your options are and which products are going to be best suited to you and your skin type.

If you have an existing skin condition such as acne or eczema you are going to have to take this into consideration as well, and ensure that you choose products that are going to help the problem rather than aggravate it. A dermatologist may be useful to you here as they will be able to let you know whether or not you are suffering from any skin care problems and if so which products will work and which should be avoided.

Whether you use the face mask skin care or face mask oils and creams, you will be doing a great benefit for yourself and leave your skin looking healthy and beautiful.

Face Lift Skin Care Products

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Monday, October 24, 2011



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