The anti-aging treatment market is an enormous one, and there is always a great deal of research going on, in hopes of finding new and better ways to abolish wrinkles. Below are some of the newest and best anti-aging treatments.
Some of the typical signs of aging include nasal labial folds, feather wrinkles and thinner lips. Fortunately, there is something new that can help to treat these. Hylaform is a new FDA-approved fiber that plumps the skin. It can be injected to add fullness back to areas that have wrinkled and folded with age.
Another promising new procedure is fat transfer. Fat is taken from a part of your body where you don't want it, and injected into areas of the face where it's needed. It's used to bolster sagging areas and highlight bone structure. It has been shown to be particularly effective for sagging skin, which is great news for those who thought that surgical lifting was the only way to remedy this. As it turns out, fat transfer actually causes the injected area to lift.
If you do find you need a face-lift, there is a new procedure for this as well. It's called a thread lift, and it's a non-invasive procedure whereby tiny threads are inserted under the skin and attached to facial tissue. During the procedure, the strings are stretched, pulling the skin. It's a great alternative for those who aren't sure they want to go as far as a face lift. If you have a little looseness in the neck, or have some jowling, you could be an ideal candidate for this procedure. Another advantage is that the threads stay under the skin, and can easily be tightened up later as the skin ages further natural makeup.
If you wish to take the non-surgical route, anti-aging creams are constantly evolving, due to ongoing research. While most doctors agree that creams won't bring quite the same results as more invasive procedures, they can still provide plenty of benefits. The most effective creams boost the skin's collagen production. This works through a topical application by combining peptides with a fatty acid. Some popular examples are Olay Regenerist and Strivectin-SD.
These types of creams go beyond just collagen production however. They are also packed with vitamins and herbs that have anti-aging properties. Some creams were originally developed to combat stretch marks and it was found that the same collagen-producing properties that helped eliminate stretch marks could help create younger-looking skin as well.
Yet another type of cream, "Wrinkle Relax" appears to mimic the effects of a Botox and collagen injection simultaneously. Botox works by destroying a protein that causes a neurotransmitter to release, diffusing tension that would otherwise cause a wrinkle to form. A compound known as argireline, found in wrinkle relax, mimics this action. It doesn't actually destroy the protein, but keeps it from connecting to the cell and creating the muscle contraction.
Even though doctors can't agree on how effective these creams are, there are several studies under way that will hopefully provide a measure of their effectiveness, so you will have more information to help you decide which ones might be best for you.